BoyuuRange A50 MKIII 300B Single-end Class A Tube Intergrated Amplifier Reisong

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Firstly, communications from China Hi Fi was prompt as I received an email less than 24 hours after placing my order to clarify my shipping address for UPS shipment. Order was received within a week after they were shipped.

I burnt-in the A50 Mk3 Integrated Amplifier over 2 days non-stop with CD set to “Repeat” and changing CDs about 5 times/day with different genres of music.

BoyuuRange (Reisong) A50 MK3 300B Single-End Class A Integrated Amplifier is very musical with huge soundstage both in width as well as depth. Every musical instruments and vocals sound life-like and clearly defined in space. Each listening session of mine lasted between 3 to 4 hours.

During the burnt-in and the listening session that followed, I connected my HGP Mondola speakers to the 8 ohm connector. Today, decided to try the 4 ohm connector. The music improved even further with both high and low gaining in clarity (as if a thin veil had been lifted off) and the attack of the notes sounded faster.

One of the best value for money integrated amplifier.
Highly recommended.

P.S. Next week I will do the 300B tube rolling with the ShuGuang Treasures 50 Year Edition tubes which I ordered at the same time with China Hi Fi when I ordered the A50 amplifier.
Date Added: 05/31/2021 by Tz**Cheng T**G